W. H. ECKARD, express and station agent and grain merchant, Topeka; son of Moses Eckard, who was born in Maryland and a mechanic; his mother's maiden name was Simmons; daughter of P. Simmons, of Kentucky; she was born in 1823, in Kentucky. The subject of this sketch was born May 1, 1846, on a farm in Mason Co., Ill., and remained there engaged in farming until 1867, when he engaged in merchandising at Topeka for a year, after which he engaged as station and express agent at Topeka; also in buying grain for McFadden & Simmons, at this place, which he still continues. He was married, in 1868, to Amelia J. Bandean, daughter of John and Jane Bandean; her father was drowned in a lock at Louisville, Ky., about the year 1846; her mother died in July, 1874. Mr. Eckard has held the office of Township Collector and Clerk, and is now School Director. He has frugally used his means, and has secured a nice house and lot in Topeka. Has three children: Freddie R., Elmer M. and Harry W.